Thursday 6 June 2013

Never Misjudged

There is 14 year old boy who play Football & his father accompanies him every day to stadium knowing that he is not the best player of the team.  There are 11 member in the team & this boy just site on the bench but his father diligently goes with him.
The school tournament start & the boy never gets the chance but the father nevertheless accompanies him everyday.  The 1, 2, 7 match happens & they are playing well but the boy doesn't play.  Team reaches semifinal & the father still accompanying him.  Surprisingly, when the team reaches the final, he goes to the stadium without Father & the team play's badly that day & down 2-0.
Five minutes before the end of the game, the boy goes to the coach & pleaded him, "Please sir let me play today".  Coach denied, but he begs for just 1minute play & the coach gave him a chance.  He scored 3 goals in 1 minute & they win.
The coach goes to him & says I misjudged you & asked about his Dad. He said, "Sir, I lost my Dad last night.  He was Blind & couldn't see.  All these years he thought I was playing even though I was not.  Last night he passed  away & I played for him today & gave my 100% !!!!

Friday 10 May 2013

Never Give Up


Re-find your strength in the times of Need
When things go wrong, as they sometime will,
When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,
When the fund are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to singh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must but never quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won if he did stick it out,
Stick to your task, though the pace seem slow
You may succeed with one more blow.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubts
And you never can tell how close you are,
Its may be near when its seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Friday 3 May 2013

20 Words That Can Change Your Life

20 Words That Can Change Your Life

Our thoughts are really things.  You get to chose what thoughts you want to use every day and how you reach to challenges in your life.

To expose yourself to this type of good positive music and quotes can only make a positive change in your lift! The more good you put in the more good you will get out:

Enjoy the video and try to watch it once in a while to instill these 20 words into your daily life.


Take charge of your life by beginning something you've always wanted to do.  If your goal seems overwhelming, start small.  By daring to begin the life you've always wanted, you become energized.


Your imagination has no boundaries....Dreaming about something is the first step towards achieving it.


Laughter is a direct route to the soul.  It broadens your perspective, keeps you healthy, and makes an unbearable situation easier to deal with.


Set your mind to predict success.  Tell yourself you will succeed at whatever you're doing at the moment.


Allow yourself to grow by exposing your vulnerability and insecurity.  Don't live strictly inside your comfort zone-done always play it safe.


We can always find something that needs to be done and we forget how to have fun.  Make a conscious effort to take time off - you'll feel refreshed and able to think more clearly afterwards.


Being paralyzed by indecision is worth than making the wrong decision.  You can't grow if you don't trust your inner voice.


Try listening carefully to the other person's point of view first,  without being preoccupied or distracted.  You'll really hear what is being said and the other person is more likely to pay attention to your views.


Creativity maintains the balance in our lives.  The more we use our creativity the more it develops.


Relationships are what pull us through the hard times, and make the good time meaningful.  Take time to nurture the connections that uplift you.


Humans need touch to survive and thrive.  Don't forget to hug your love ones.  Pat your friends on the back literally and figuratively.


Forgiveness is life giving because it puts you in charge.  You become empowered.


Prayer is asking God to transform the situation and become the heart of your life.  Take time each day to nurture this connection.


Hope is the knowledge that even in the worst of times we can triumph over hardship and sorrow and grow in spirit.  Hope is what sustains humanity.


 We can't always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude towards them.


Admire the good in yourself and around you.


Happiness involve giving freely to others.

Reading removes boundaries